I've been sneezing for the 4th time this morning - and I'm not a sneeze person.
So, I have flu and cough and a lil' temperature rise this weekend. Unfortunately, I don't really believe in medication and pills..
I can still stand the spinning and wobbly feeling of fever with flu and cough without any medication, but period cramp is the only time you'll see me running around asking for panadols.
Apart from the 'red flag' moment, I don't really believe that pills and those thick dull coloured liquid consumed can actually cure my system, kill the bacteria or virus or whatsoever you call it. I solely trust my antibody to do all the job.
Dan mereka yang lain akan berkata, "Takut sangat makan ubat!"
Unfortunately, my head went yo-yo again on Sunday with the ever itching throat. When all white coloured items looks yellowishly dull and the cough is beginning to hurt my waist, that's when I knew that the 'little' fever and cough has added another point to the sickness scale.
So I took another tablespoon of pitch black ubat batuk, had a drowsy night, and slept like a baby, and woke up still sickened with the itching throat and twisted waist. I shouldn't have eaten the medicine after all. At least, I won't suffer with this madly itching throat and just ended up with a throaty rock-a-fella voice instead. You people know how I love my sore throat. Albeit the 'mak nyah' nasal sound, it's simply throaty-sexy!
Talking about medicine with my whacky friend:
"Kau dah makan ubat ke tak? Kau tipu aku ek, haritu cakap dah makan ubat. Hmph, ni yang aku nak membebel ni!"
"Dah makan dah, dow. Aku makan semalam sekali, hari ni sekali. Cukuplah tu. Dekat botol ubat tu, dia suruh makan 3 kali sehari, selepas waktu makan."
"Lagi 2 kali tu kenapa kau tak makan?"
"Sukahati perut gua lah. Gua dah mengantuk, goodnight."
And that was replied when I was wobbly. If my mind is more conscious, I would've replied something that sounded like "Dia kata makan ubat selepas waktu makan. Aku cuma makan sehari sekali. Waktu pagi dengan malam aku makan roti, snack, junk food, and for your info, in my vocab it's called 'snacking'. So, betullah konsep aku, kan? Plus, one tablespoon of ubat batuk cause me to sleep soundly for a freaking 6 hour. Imagine what 3 tablespoon would make me? Beruang berhibernasi, beb."
The bottom line is, I guess, medication will never work for me.
Tsk...Living in denial again. Syesh!
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